Thoth Journey – The Oracle of Change
“……stillness and quiet surround her here, in The Hallway of Beginnings; the light is dim and seems indistinct in its origins……..the landing above contains yet more doors, all as individual yet as secretive as the ones below, some of them bear names above the door, whilst others offer no help with the assignation of their contents. The door that she uses to explore the Thoth Tarot is panelled in six heavy rectangles, and the handle is of brass, and when she opens the door, the image of the card hangs like a veil between her world and the world of the card……”

This distinctive visionary work is a unique collaboration between astrologer Joanna-Kate Grant and artist Aia Leu. Designed specifically for exploring difficult themes of transformation and change, the vivid combination of art and story helps the reader to invoke the richness of their own creative wisdom; to light their own way home.

Five years in the making, this collection of wholly original work has been developed from a meticulous intuitive exploration of the 78 cards of the Crowley/Harris Thoth Tarot. Drawing on 30 years of esoteric knowledge, the visions that Joanna discovered within the cards, eventually flowered into the book “Thoth Journey”, the inspiration for a series of 79 paintings with which Aia interprets each story. The artists’ translucent flowing style and her generous use of colour provides the perfect visual accompaniment to the fertile and luxuriant narrative.

The resulting Oracle is a beautiful and timeless offering. Rooted in the dark shadows that inevitably fall across the human experience, this rich and poetic work has been lovingly crafted from the inspiration of two people who wish to share their gifts of art, intuition and wisdom with the world.

This box set contains a 328 page book and a 79 card deck. Suitable for Oracle or Tarot use.

Pre-order from Seedpress